Pour hommes/Masturbation anus /Réplique pornstar
Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
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Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level

Feel every curve, folds and intimate textures of the famous porn actress: Mia Malkova




EUR 79,90 (TVA inc.)
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level
  • Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level









  • Description du produit  Fleshlight Girls Mia Malkova Boss Level

    Feel every curve, folds and intimate textures of the famous porn actress: Mia Malkova

    Very few girls have gone from being a sweet and innocent amateur to a global porn sensation as quickly as Mia Malkova has managed to make that happen. Some might underestimate Miss Malkova and think her success is just a matter of her physical beauty mesmerizing audiences everywhere, but her true fans can see right away that the beauty of this sexy Sweetheart goes much more than skin deep!

    Her signature Fleshlight skin is designed with that same focus on quality, reliability and longevity – giving you the best of Mia Malkova every single time you take her out to play with her and always going the extra mile to make each fantasy session even better than you may have expected.

    Grab your Mia Malkova Fleshlight, give her the ride she needs, and then enjoy your own gaming adventures with vivid memories of this amazing sweetheart still lingering in the depths of your mind. Her one of a kind Fleshlight is the key to unlocking a whole new level of enjoyment every time you are in the mood to play!

    Inside, sleeves are made with realistic material looks like real skin and it's addapted to the temperature of your body so it will be more realistic. Its butt design is so amazing inside and outside!. Inside is an exact replic of this actress anus so it makes an exclusive and unique piece.

    With this male masturbator you'll get the most realistic sex experience.

    Fleshlight masturbators includes two caps, the main, to cover the sleeve and the second to regulate pressure, therefore, masturbation regulation.

    • ◾  Mia Malkova sleeve
    • ◾  Fleshlight Sensation: Boss level
    • ◾  Style: Butt
    • ◾  Easy to clean and use
    • ◾  Material: High quality Superkin material


    Mia Malkova’s new texture Boss Level will pull your cock into a fantasy world of constricting curves and lusty spirals. Every swerve of Mia’s tight ass is filled with caressing knobs designed to add sizzling sensations to every stroke. Boss Level gives any man desiring anal play an epic adventure with an intense finale.

    Fleshlight is the worldleader and best seller male masturbators. The use of real molds in real persons, the high quality of materials make this brand in a brand for men and their pleasure unique in the world!

  • Identifiants 
    TypeRéplique anus actrice porno
    Catégorie Pour hommes / Masturbation anus / Réplique pornstar
    Code MpnD-227943
    Code Gtin810476011628
    Code à barre810476011628 (CODE128)
    Convient àUnisexe
    Poids de l'emballage---
    Dimensions de l'emballage100 x 300 x 100 mm
    Prix avec TVAEUR 79,90
    Prix hors TVAEUR 66,03
    TVA (21,00%)EUR 13,87
    IntervalleEUR 50 - 100

Informations sur la livraison

Quand vais-je recevoir ce produit si je l'achète maintenant ?

  • Picking estimé 
    Disponibilité En stock
    Préparation 24 heures Dimanche 7 juil.
    Livraison estimé 
    Mardi 9 juil.
    24hs + 1-2 jours ouvrables
    Espagne (Péninsule), Portugal (Péninsule)
    Mercredi 10 juil.
    24hs + 2-3 jours ouvrables
    Andorre, Espagne (Îles Baléares)
    Vendredi 12 juil.
    24hs + 3-5 jours ouvrables
    France, Allemagne, Belgique, Chypre, Italie, L'Autriche, Les états-unis d'Amérique, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, République tchèque
    Lundi 15 juil.
    24hs + 5-7 jours ouvrables
    Danemark, Espagne (îles Canaries), Hongrie, Irlande, Pologne, Portugal (Açores, Madère), Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie
    Mercredi 17 juil.
    24hs + 2-10 jours ouvrables
    Bulgarie, Croatie, Estonie, Finlande, Grèce, Lettonie, Lituanie, Roumanie, Suède

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