BDSM / Bondage/Immobilisation/Lit
Bed Restrain System
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Bed Restrain System

Turn any bed into an instant bondage playground with the incredible Fantasy Web! This easy-to-install versatile bed restraint system is all you need to enjoy a night of fetish and fun in your own bedroom, using the bed you already own!




EUR 64,90 (TVA inc.)
  • Bed Restrain System
  • Bed Restrain System
  • Bed Restrain System
  • Bed Restrain System







  • Description du produit  Bed Restrain System

    Turn any bed into an instant bondage playground with the incredible Fantasy Web! This easy-to-install versatile bed restraint system is all you need to enjoy a night of fetish and fun in your own bedroom, using the bed you already own!

    The kit includes an adjustable nylon web, which easily adjusts to fit over any size mattress--full, queen or even king--along with four adjustable neoprene wrist and ankle cuffs. When used together, the cuffs attach to the web with small velcro loops and slide along the webbing, keeping your lover bound to the web with no way to escape. The webbing features 24 different web lines to attach the cuffs to, giving you endless possibilities for new and exciting positions you never knew were possible. Get lost in a web of desire and hope that you never get out!

    The web attaches to the bed by sliding each corner loop underneath the mattress and pulling the nylon strap until it is tight. The comfortable neoprene cuffs easily adjust to fit most sizes and attach to the webbing using small velcro loops. It's perfect for beginners and those new to light bondage play and fun for everyone!


    - Nylon Fantasy Web

    - 4 Adjustable Cuffs

    - Works On Any Size Mattress

    - Free Satin Love Mask

  • Identifiants 
    TypeImmobilisation pour le lit
    Catégorie BDSM / Bondage / Immobilisation / Lit
    Code MpnPD3878-00
    Code Gtin603912289794
    Convient àUnisexe
    Poids de l'emballage---
    Prix avec TVAEUR 64,90
    Prix hors TVAEUR 53,64
    TVA (21,00%)EUR 11,26
    IntervalleEUR 50 - 100

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